Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 3 - We ARE eating, people!

When we tell people we are on a juice fast their first impression is that we're not eating and we're starving ourselves.  This is far from the truth.  Yes, for those of you following my blog so far you know that I got hungry yesterday and turned into "mean joni", but that has nothing to do with whether or not we're on a fast.  I get that way when I wait too long to eat between meals and that's what happened yesterday.  We are for sure eating.  We are still consuming between 1300-1500 calories each day.  They are just in the form of fruits and veggies.  A lot of people call this 'being vegitarian'.  We're also NOT doing this as a 'lose weight quick' scheme.  For us this is a way to clear the toxins and poisons we've had building up in our bodies over the past 40+ years.  The program we're doing is called 'Reboot'. So think of it like how a computer reboots.  We shut down our computer at the end of the day after searching the internet collecting cookies, cache folder items, temp files, and exposing our system to viruses, trojan worms and hackers.  When we 'reboot' the next day the assumption is whatever malware we have on our systems will catch and kill the previous days 'poison'.  But sometimes you have to do a system restore.  You have to clean out a lot more than just an average day, or weeks worth of stuff.  That's what we're doing.  When you do a system restore you don't have to remove all the programs already on your computer.  You just have to clean it up.  We aren't removing FOOD from our diet.  And we're also not consuming all of our meals just in juice.  Right now we're having two juices a day as meals and two meals of actual food we have to chew!

Morning - Day 3
I love morning juice because it's fruit.  Yum.  I am feeling relatively well.  I slept better last night than the night before.  No dreams about juicing anyway.  John woke up this morning and said he was feeling a bit nauseous.  I haven't experienced that.  I must mention that this isn't the first time I've ever did a detox though.  I have actually used a detox product from a company I love (Arbonne) to detox twice in the last 6 months.  So maybe I've got a head start on John and I've already cleaned out some of the toxins.  Just at thought.

Mid-morning juice
Another beet type of juice but this time it was made with a red bell pepper, carrots, apples, poblano pepper and a little bit of pineapple to make it sweet.  Maybe I'm just getting used to the beet juice or I'm adding enough fruit in the drink to make it palatable, but I am not hating this drink today! 

Left over 'green soup'
Left over squash
Last nights dinner is today's lunch.  I am in love with this mushroom stuffing!  The soup reminds me of a thinner version of pesto....minus all the oils!  Happy and satisfied with lunch today!  And call me crazy...but I'm FULL!  My other half, however, went into the office for a little bit without taking his lunch with him so waited to long to eat and was feeling weak. 

Afternoon thoughts...(need suggestions)
It's only day three and I am tired of vegetable soup.  I've never really cared for vegetable soup much throughout my life so now all of a sudden we have to make some sort of veggie soup every night.  Bleh.  Anyone have any ideas about what to have for dinner that is plant based that's NOT veggie soup?? I'm starting to question my will power to stay on this fast unless I can make some modifications to it.
Here's some of the things I am currently struggling with:
1) if I want to help teach people how to live a healthier lifestyle, then I need to lead by example.  What kind of an example am I if I give up on this on day 4 (I'm not counting today because the day is nearly finished and dinner is already planned and under construction) and YES it's soup with sweet potato fries (AMEN!)
2) I have detoxed twice (one week each) in the past 6 months (as I mentioned earlier), so am I truly gaining anything by doing this for the next 11 days?
3) If I gave up on this now, it wouldn't be because I can't eat healthy.  It's because I am not a fan of all the veggies on this plan cooked the way they are called for.  I'd rather juice them and drink them and not have to worry about it.

After last nights talk between John and I part of our plan was for him to help me with some of the prep work.  Let me tell you, it made such a huge difference!  Tonight's dinner was sweet potato and carrot "fries" and vegetable soup so a zillion veggies needed to be cut up and onions with garlic sauteed prior to any of the soup can be made.  So he did all the cutting and even sauteed the onion and garlic before I got home.  I felt like Rachel Ray because I got our dinner cooked and on the table in 30 minutes or less!  And it was awesome!
Sweet potato & Carrot 'fries'

Veggie soup

I had my doubts earlier this afternoon but after tonight's dinner and how much more smoothly all the prep went I can do it.  WE can do it!  John and I have matching bracelets that I have say "I am strong if you are strong."  I need to read that more and more right now to keep us doing what we've set out to do.

Day 4 juices and lunches have been made.  Tomorrow is my "Friday" so I already feel a lot of stress lifted off me.  Really, we only have one more work week to get through.  Those are the tough days.  I'm imagining the weekend will be easier because we don't have any plans or places we have to be (besides church on Sunday).  Talk to you all tomorrow!  Another day to mark off our calendar.


1 comment:

  1. If it means a lot to John for you to stick with it, then by all means - try. Otherwise, I say you are a grown woman who knows what she likes. If you choose to eat a plant-based diet the remainder of the time but instead of following the plan to a T, you make things you actually enjoy - then more power to you! Do it. Feeling deprived or unsatisfied (not talking about hunger) is the surest way to fail.
