So as I re-read the Day 9 post I discovered that an entire paragraph about pizza was missing. How does that happen? I guess Eblogger didn't like what I had to say about coming up with alternate pizza crusts like those made with almond flour, or mashed cauliflower, or mashed eggplant. If you're interested in hearing more about that let me know and I'll retype what I think I said.
But the other thing I realized I left out from yesterday was the chocolate fruit dip I made!! Yes, you heard me. I follow the blog Everyday Paleo and she had posted a fruit dip that she made. I followed the recipe (only made 1/2 the recipe though) and I thought it was an excellent substitute for hershey's syrup which has always been a yummy treat for me when poured over fruit. So the reason I couldn't eat all of my soup last night for dinner is because I had dessert first. Yeah...didn't listen to my mother about that rule either. So I had a big bowl of bananas and strawberries with the Paleo chocolate fruit dip. And what made it even better was knowing that I wasn't putting anything terrible in my body AND it fit into our fasting diet!! Ok, maybe the teaspoon of coconut flour isn't allowed, but at least I didn't eat the pizza!!!
Morning Juice
Do I even need to say it?? DELISH! John thinks the best yet. It was apples, pineapple, and raspberries. Pretty plain and simple.
Mid Morning Juice
Well against my own advice, I again threw random things into this juice. We've got a sweet potato, a beet, a baby bok choi, an orange, a lemon, some ginger, and I can't remember if there was anything else. Suffice it to say, I was SCARED to drink it. Ten days in and one thing I've learned is I don't like bad tasting juice!! And I had every right to be. It was AWFUL!! I mean, close my eyes, hold my breath, swig it fast, chase with water bad. Whew...glad that drink is behind us!!
Nasty Juice = huge energy??
The strangest thing happened about 30 minutes after I drank the god-awful mid-morning juice. I was sitting at my desk and started feeling like I had just ingested 2 cups of strong coffee!! Almost a little jittery even! I had read in my juicing book that one of the benefits of juicing is that since the vitamins from all the veggies are liquefied our bodies don't have to digest them so they go directly into the blood stream. That must be what happened! Amazing what 'real', fresh, local food can do for our bodies! When I mentioned to John what I experienced he said it did the same thing for him. And we won't have a sugar crash later!!!
The rest of the day
John said he is in charge of tomorrow's juice's LOL. Two days in a row of awful juices he's ready to take the wheel. I told him "PLEASE do!" However, as I was driving home from work I got a text from him saying "tomorrow is my last day. I'm going to start implementing our modified plan of juicing two days a week and eating paleo/primal the rest of the week." We both miss meat and as I mentioned in a previous blog we feel cleansed. We don't have sugar cravings or carb cravings since we had cut those out prior to this reboot anyway. We didn't do this fast to turn ourselves vegetarian. We have no desire to do that. We just want to get back to our historical eating roots. Clean out the junk and start fresh. It makes sense really to end tomorrow because we will have all 5 kids starting on Friday and we have to feed all the troops. I am prepared though. I ordered lots of grass fed beef from Polyface Farms (if you've seen the documentaries Food, Inc and/or Fresh you are familiar with Joel Salatine). The beef is ready for pick up on Saturday. I ordered our fresh fruits and veggies and some local fish, bison, elk and venison from my local CSA which will be delivered Sunday and Monday I will pick up our order for raw milk and cage free, soy free eggs and some raw cheeses from my amish farmer. I have gone through the Paleo cookbook "everyday paleo" and have earmarked all the recipes I'll be making for the family. Let's do this. Bring on the eggs and MEAT!!!
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